Back to school - sewing slows right down!

The good news is that my back-to-school (after 14 months due to my self-funded leave) has not been difficult. It was easy enough to fall back into the routines, and I don't resent getting up in the mornings, or anything. I am also happy that I have no regrets about my year off. I am happy with how I filled it!

BUT (there is always a but!), my sewing output has taken a hit!!!  This is for two reasons. The summer weather has lingered, and my swimming buddy and I have wanted to continue swimming - which we now need to do in the late afternoon. This means I leave work earlier than I would otherwise, ride home, go for a swim, eat dinner (sometimes I even contribute to making it!), and pass out! The combination of full days at the school and the cool swim just knocks me out!

But I have not been entirely idle.

a hat for the headless body double!
I made a hat from remnants from the anorak. I must say it is awfully cute! I used remnants from the Geneva blouse for the lining. We had a few cooler days before the heat came back, and this was lovely to put on after the swim for the walk home! This is a free pattern from Merchant and Mills, called the bucket hat. Choice between narrow or wide brim.  So cute.


I did a TINY bit of work on my jacket. It takes so much concentration, though, that I had no energy for that. Instead I worked on an entry for the Pattern mixing contest at Pattern Review. I decided to use my practice Katagami pieces from my Japanese Textile workshop... I had four different pieces - all indigo dyed, but different designs. I also new that this would go together well with scraps from previous projects: the white linen  Kalle cropped top, and Australia-daughter's blue ramie Santorini. 

I even had a plan to do another Santorini - making a panel of mixed prints for the centre back and centre front. At first I thought I would use squares, etc for the patchwork piecing, but my frock friends DB and WW suggested long strips. Brilliant! 

the entire piece.
It took me some time to sew together the pieces (flat felled seams), and only doing a couple of seams per night (see comment above about being pooped!), that by the time I had my fabric made I was already bored of the first plan. My back-up plan was another cropped Kalle, and before I could change my mind I cut out the back. 

flat felled seams

solo 4 k swim

Last weekend was a sewing write-off, due to a lovely camping trip where I did a solo 4 km swim! (Accompanied by the resident entomologist in the canoe so that we could paddle back.)

WIP front

WIP back
Took a couple more days before I could decide how I wanted to colour block the rest of the shirt. I had to be judicious in my use of the remnants. In the end I decided half of the front in white, half in blue - but because I did not have a long enough piece I decided to piece some more of the patchwork onto the bottom third. Decided that white was too stark a contrast for the back yoke, so went with the blue (white for the yoke facing, inside.) Frankly, I may regret choosing white for half of the front for the same reason! But I am happy with the back.

As I write this I still have a few more steps on the this project. But I will post the photos I have, and add finished photos when it is done. 

I also had to mend my swimming tights... They got caught on a screw on the dock, and got a big rip... I have the ugly part on the outside so that it doesn't rub and chafe!


dragon print fabric
In other projects, instead of turning my attention to my suit jacket, I am starting to think of a project for the 'Bargainista Fashionista' contest. I want to use my dragon print from Japan for it, and found a perfect match, as well as a pattern. BUT... sadly, I do not have enough fabric for it. I am trying to think creatively about solutions - a few floating around in my head. I may need to do some creative, subtle, colour blocking... find a matching navy... I did buy the pattern - will need to check fit too... Here is where I found it  Anthropologie.

The suit is STILL on my mind, though!  Not abandoned at all! I did the side front panels - practising the technique to sew the interfaced silk organza to the seam allowance... 


  1. Is that the same hat you made for me out of the leftover plaid? I love it. CB


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