Bits and pieces

 Strangely this week I did not have a lot of energy to sew. Waiting for the results of the Sewing Bee was more intense than I expected! Not to mention work!

I am pleased to report that I am on to the second round. Just waiting until tomorrow to see what I have to sew! Last year (I did not participate) round 2 was 'buttonholes.' I was glad not to have to come up with something - the makes were amazing. I would have created some dud! If it were zippers this year I would have a project ready to go. Not necessarily a winner, but a suitable project!

I made my predictions. I made a 'yes', a 'maybe' and a 'no' column. (Too chicken to commit on that middle column!). I was right on 17 / 18 for the "yes" column, about half (10/19) of my maybes got in; if I had taken the time to revisit that list after  my first go, I probably would have had only a couple of 'errors'! And 5/30 of my 'no' list made it. 

Each round has a winner, and the winner was certainly in my top contenders (I did not predict any specific one to come out on top, though!)

Finally yesterday I sat down and worked on one of my scrappy projects. I cut out a few more small squares, put a few more together, then actually did a few rows. I am doing a row of small 2x2s and a row of medium 2x2s separated by a black (print) sashing. I plan to make a dust cover for my thread-stand (boy it collects dust!), and a dust cover for the serger.

I did NOT do much cutting on my large squares (the amazing technicolour dream-coat.) To be honest I hit an obstacle. I am running out of suitable fabrics. And I was reluctant to do the next cutting.

I have an unfinished project - close to 15 years old. A blazer and cropped pants. NEARLY finished. Last summer I pulled it out, and attached buttons to the blazer, so it is done. The pants need the waistband and the hem. BUT I realized that I am NEVER going to wear this as an outfit. in fact they are both just a little snug. And as an ensemble it looks ridiculour. The sad thing is, I did a fairly nice job. 
It is linen, and actually underlined! My local frock-friends convinced me that the blazer would look nice with jeans, and they reluctantly gave me permission to cut up the pants. (They admitted that as an ensemble it was not great, but wondered if I could donate the pants). 

should have pressed it first!

In spite of that permission, I am delaying the inevitable... as excited as I am to get started on the sewing together of the pieces.

I also made up a sample of a possible sewing club project: little bunny-shaped treat bags. The photo is missing a button nose, etc, but it gives an idea!


