Keeping the blouse and jacket muslins in the back of my mind, I am moving on to the cargo shorts. I bought some textured cotton from Core Fabrics when I bought the spandex, but apparently only bought one yard (and WHY does Core Fabrics, a Canadian ompany sell in yards? So annoying). I finally chose a pattern, the Itch to Stitch Angelia shorts - they have some of the features I am looking for. I thought I would do view B, and lengthen them a bit. And I thought I might add a back yoke. WELL I was not sure I was going to have enough to do the shorts as is.... I muslined them, and the fit was fine, but I was disappointed in the way the back leg sort of folded over on itself near the inseam. So removed some of the excess (you can see it in the pattern photo), and I think I am satisfied with the fit.
Then it was some pattern tetrus to get all the pieces to fit (I did not have the length of fabric suggested. and I DID get it to fit. I had to cut out on a single layer - which is so much more efficient in terms of fabric use, not so much in terms of time😁.
I also bought the Apostrophe myfit underwear pattern, to make a tankini bottom. But the instructions don't match the pattern pieces, so I am at a standstill. I cut it out in the leftover black spandex from the skort. The thing about Apostrophe is that they create a pattern for you on your specs INCLUDING fabric stretch. The black does not have quite as much stretch as this turquoise, so it means I will have to regenerate it and print it out again! Assuming, of course, that it works!
In the meantime, D. came and gave feedback and advice on the jacket and shirt muslins, so those are ready to move forward, too. I have my work "cut out" for me.
Still planning the special occasion slippery silk outfit. I have finally decided to cut it on the cross-grain to get the more blue-ish tone to dominate. Had to check out if it would fit! It does - kind of. Will need to shorten it a bit or play with the facing.So that is it for today!
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